Whangarei Meetings
First Tuesday of each month, join us for dinner, debate and great conversation at a local restaurant.
For more details email: office@rationalists.nz or phone 09 373 5131
Auckland Central Meeting
Friendly, informal discussion evenings on a topic of interest – often beginning with a speaker.
Rationalist House, 64 Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland
First Wednesday of the month (except public holidays and January), 6.30pm
Typically ending around 9pm.
Auckland Film Night
We watch a documentary of interest followed by discussion.
Last Wednesday of each month (except public holidays and December) from 6.30pm
Rationalist House, 64 Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland
Auckland North Shore Meeting
A daytime meeting on the North Shore – the last Thursday of each month, from 1030am – 12.30
Community Hub, 2 Glen Road, Browns Bay
Followed by a social lunch at a local cafe.
** New Event – Auckland Book Club**
We’re holding our first book club meeting on Sunday 16th March from 1pm – 3pm
We’ll be discussing Anke Richter’s book Cult Trip
This book is widely available at public libraries, as well as our members’ library.
Please read the book if you can and join us.
Afternoon tea provided and library will be open for members from 2pm – 3pm
Rationalist House, 64 Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland
Whitianga Meetings
Every Sunday at The Lost Spring Cafe from 2pm – 4pm
A weekly coffee and discussion group hosted by Peter H. Wood.
Hawke’s Bay Meeting
Meetings are usually held on the first Sunday of the month at Duart House, 51 Duart Rd, Havelock North at 7pm
For more information contact Mary Ellen Warren (06) 845-4623, mewarren1@gmail.comor Peter Offenberger (06) 561 0746
Wellington Meeting
Monday 3rd March
From 6.30pm
Humanism 101 – Interactive workshop
Thistle Inn, 3 Mulgrave Street, Thorndon, Wellington
NZARH Council Meeting
Council meetings are held online, financial members are welcome to attend – please get in touch with our office to arrange attendance: office@rationalists.nz
Council meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month except in January.