Rationalists Condemn Christian Privilege

Rationalists Condemn Christian Privilege

In November last year Trevor Mallard made the decision to modify Parliament’s opening prayer to be more inclusive. The NZARH applauded this decision, although we believe it could have gone further to be inclusive of over 40% of New Zealanders who are not religious. It...
Christians Petition Hipkins

Christians Petition Hipkins

The Secular Education Network is now facing a reaction from fanatical evangelicals who want to maintain their privileged access to vulnerable children. In a plea to petition Chris Hipkins they say Please sign this petition to support the continued right to Religious...
President’s Corner, December 2017

President’s Corner, December 2017

November was a pretty busy month. We held the annual ‘dinner’ at the Bays Club in Browns bay where we awarded Susan and Des Vize the Bertrand Russell Award for hosting a family who fled Saudi Arabia to avoid the consequences of being an atheist in that...
Jesus kicked out of house

Jesus kicked out of house

Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has modified the parliamentary prayer, initially removing both the Queen and Jesus Christ. After pressure from National he reinstated a reference to the Queen, but mention of Jesus Christ is still excluded. The New Zealand...